Rank Username Name Job Title Company Total Issues Case Studies Mentored Certs Score
2741 shelliehutchens
Shellie Hutchens
0 1 0 0
2742 jslemp
Jen Slemp
Director of Strategy
Third and Grove
0 1 1 0
2743 tommythomas
0 1 0 0
2744 tiadurham
Tia Durham
0 2 0 0
2745 dawnborglund
Dawn Aly
Product Manager for Customer Digital Experiences
Red Hat
0 3 1 0
2746 dante-taylor
0 2 0 0
2747 omegamonk
0 1 0 0
2748 jeffdiecks
Jeff Diecks
Chief Operations Officer
0 2 0 0
2749 kendall-totten
Kendall Totten
Front-End Architect and Developer
Red Hat
0 1 2 0
2750 justinwellman
Justin Wellman
Schoolyard Manager
0 1 0 0
2751 jcastedoh
Celso Castedo
DevOps Engineer
Nationwide IT Services
0 1 0 0
2752 thinkinkless
suzi arnold
Backend Content Architecture/Engineering Manager
0 2 2 0
2753 mistcat
Nate Parsons
Chief Strategy Officer
0 1 0 0
2754 shawnmole
0 1 0 0
2755 tirdadc
Tirdad Chaharlengi
0 1 1 0
2756 fxarte
Felix Silberstein
Senior Java Developer
0 1 0 0
2757 daveruse
Dave Ruse
0 1 0 0
2758 tneff
0 1 0 0
2759 daltonparsons
Dalton Parsons
Director of Web Strategy
0 1 0 0
2760 patto
Patrick Geers
Senior Project Manager
FFW Agency
0 1 0 0



