The Drupal community is a vibrant group of developers, designers, and enthusiasts who work together to improve the platform and share their knowledge with others.

Why Get Involved in the Drupal Community?

There are many benefits to getting involved in the Drupal community, including:

  • Learning from experienced developers and designers
  • Contributing to the improvement of Drupal core and modules
  • Building your professional network
  • Giving back to the open-source community

How to Get Involved in the Drupal Community

Create a user profile on

This is an essential step for getting involved in the Drupal community. Here are the steps to create a user profile on

  • Go to
  • Fill out the required fields with your desired username, email address and password.
  • Click on the "Create new account" button.
  • A confirmation email will be sent to you to verify your email address.
  • Click the verification link in the email to activate your account.

Once you have activated your account, you can access your profile by clicking on the dropdown next to your username in the top navigation bar and selecting "Edit profile."

In your profile, you can add information about yourself, including your name, location, website URL, and biography. You can also choose to upload a profile picture.

When filling out your profile, make sure to fill out as much information as possible to help other Drupal users get to know you better.

By creating a user profile on, you become part of the Drupal community and can start contributing to the project by reporting issues, submitting patches, participating in code reviews, or just sharing your knowledge and insights with other Drupal users.

Join the Drupal Slack

  • Visit to request an invitation.
  • Fill out the form with your relevant information.
  • Once you receive the invitation email, click on the link in the email to complete your sign-up process.
  • You can then access Drupal Slack.

Once you have joined Drupal Slack, you will see a list of channels on the left-hand side of the screen. These channels are divided into different categories.

The most important channels to consider joining in the beginning are:

#general: This is a channel for general discussions amongst the Drupal community.

#support: This is a channel to ask and get help on Drupal-related issues.

#core-mentors: This is a channel specifically for core Drupal contributors and mentors.

There are many other channels dedicated to topics like theming, developing, and contributed modules.

Benefits of using Drupal Slack

  • Get quick help from other members of the Drupal community.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest Drupal news and happenings.
  • Collaborate with fellow developers on Drupal projects.
  • Participate in discussions with other Drupal users around the globe.

Find more info about this at

Attend Drupal events

DrupalCon, DrupalCamp, and other local meetups provide opportunities to learn more about Drupal and meet others in the community.

Drupal events, such as DrupalCon, are community-organized conferences that bring together Drupal developers, site builders, themers, and users from around the world. DrupalCon is one of the most popular Drupal events, which takes place twice a year at different locations globally. These events consist of a series of sessions, keynote speeches, code sprints, social events, and more that focus on the latest developments in Drupal and its ecosystem.

Drupal events offer a great opportunity for people to learn new skills, collaborate with others, share knowledge and experiences, and network with like-minded individuals. Participants can attend various sessions that range from beginner to advanced levels, covering topics ranging from development, design, project management, DevOps, and more.

In addition, Drupal events also allow attendees to give back to the community by participating in code sprints, documentation efforts, and other contributions to improving Drupal. Moreover, Drupal events also feature sponsors who showcase their products and services, providing an opportunity for attendees to learn about new tools and technologies available in the market.

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